Conference kickoff dinner with a special guest speaker.
Break-out sessions and networking opportunities! In the evening, awards ceremony and evening social.
Weekend wrap-up (for chapter officers only) and closing session.
Advertise the conference to your peers with this flyer! Showcase it at meetings and hang it around your engineering buildings to inform students about the conference.
IISE Conference Flyer »Check out some of the industry representatives who will be speaking at the conference! There are four keynote speakers, four breakout session leaders and three plant tours to check out.
Industry Representatives »If you've never been to Knoxville, let us be your tour guide! Below are some of Knoxville's finest restaurants, evening entertainment venues and touristy attractions.
Social Activities »The purpose of the competition is to encourage undergraduate students to write and present outstanding technical papers. The deadline to submit papers is January 26, 2017!
Please submit a PDF copy of your paper to Kylie White at along with the completed IISE Submission Form linked below. For more Technical Paper Competition details, please visit the IISE website here.
IISE Submission Form »